Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Statistical Data Analysis And Visualization In R Or Python


Hi there, 

Do you need help with,

R /Python Programming code / syntax? 

Statistics,  data analysis, and meaningful data visualization? 

I can help. I'm an industry practitioner. I work with R scripts ~ Rstudio and Python both. 

I will help with

  • Models: Linear / Logistic regressions, logistic regression, decision trees, measures of associations 
  • Data Visualizations: Time series, Box Plot, histogram, point, density, violin, bar plot, piechart,   ggplot2, sjPlot.
  • Statistical tests/analysis:  Goodman Kruskal’s lambda, Phi co-efficient (uses chi-squared statistic), Cramer’s V (uses chi-squared statistic), Tschuprow’s T (uses chi-squared statistic), Contingency coefficient C (uses chi-squared statistic), T-test, spearman, Kendall, Pearson  
  • Clustering 
  • Trees and random forest techniques
  • Support vector machines
  • data collection/ survey method 
  • R programming/ Python

Let's discuss and be on the same page before you order. 

I can provide the explanation or interpretation Report in  R Markdown, PDF, .ppt, .docx format and more. 



Great work! Delivered everything on time and also answered several questions.

: : : :

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