Monday, May 25, 2020

Build, Fix Or Improve Any Excel Or Google Sheet


Brand new seller! You'll never see prices this low again as I build fiverr reputation with my first 5 jobs.

If you aren't sure about the complexity of your job, please message me details before ordering and I will let you know. Please include Google Sheets, Excel files (or an image of), and any other data sources so I know how the data is structured to determine complexity.

A few types of jobs I'll do for you:

>Data validation and error finding

>Simple/Complex formula writing

>Cleaning up data, shortening complex formulas, reducing file size/loading time

>Building complex Excel and Google sheets or dashboards from scratch based on your needs

>Build or improve pivot tables

>Analysis work: Find data outliers, problematic data, key trends

>Custom dashboards with updating tables and charts, where you can easily filter data in or out

>Auto-import your Google Analytics data and view customized summary reports

**I will always explain how I've solved your problem, so that if you're interested in learning, you'll be able to do it yourself next time! (Of course, you're always welcome to come back to me, too!)



Frank is a 'diamond in the rough' and true 'needle in a haystack'—absolutely fantastic working with him. Not only is he responsive, timely, professional and polite, he's VERY GOOD at his job. I'm trying to think of what projects I need help with next because I'd like to work with him again :) Highly recommended!


Frank was great. He took the time to understand what I was looking to accomplish with this project by thoroughly reviewing the material and asking all of the right questions. He gave great updates while he was doing his work and when it was all completed, he delivered a screen recording video to walk me through the finished project. I highly recommend.


Frank is great. Very diligent in his quest to understand the task and then very thorough in his execution.


Frank is a great communicator with great ideas!


Frank was very helpful and helped me complete my order even when I needed to make more changes. I appreciate the good communication and quality help.

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