Saturday, May 9, 2020

Bioinformatics And Genomics Services


Please contact me before ordering with your project description so I can assist you according to your specific needs.

I'm soon starting my PhD in Genomics Data Science. I learned bioinformatics following a MSc in Biomedical Genomics. Though this masters, I learned the principles of next generation sequencing and bioinformatics. I got to expand on these skills by working in the bioinformatics department at an Irish genomics company. I have become passionate about providing analytics in genomics and finding the best way to communicate findings. I will be your invaluable resource for:

  • If you are studying bioinformatics or genomics, I can help you understand concepts that you may be struggling with!
  • If you need more information, I can provide detailed notes that suit your learning style and level.
  • If you need have an assignment or task, I can complete the assignment and explain how I completed it. 
  • If you have any other requests, I am happy to discuss your project details with you. 

I am looking forward to working with reliable and trustworthy clients just like you.

Don't forget to click the Favorite button to reach me faster for your future projects.



It was amazing experience with Shane. And am loo

: : : :

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